The kids are in week two of Spring break, and are getting restless. I'm not one of those super-organized moms who fills every day on the calendar with non-stop activities, so I suppose it's mostly my fault. However, it's not like we haven't done anything fun! I took the kids to the Happiest Place on Earth last week, and then to Build-a-Bear a couple of days later. We've enjoyed sleeping in, staying up late and eating breakfast twice a day. Austin even got a special treat of accompanying me on a visit to my gynecologist. He seemed ok with it, but I'm hoping it hasn't traumatized him for life...
The boys have spent way too much time in front of the TV the past few days, so despite their protests of boredom, I shut the TV off and sent them outside to enjoy the nice, sunny weather! It was also a nice time to dust off the Gazillion Bubbles machine and let the kids run around chasing hundreds of bubbles all over ours (and the neighbor's) lawns. I also took some pics of Hayley so that I could practice my photo editing skills. I'm pretty happy with how they came out! Here are some pics from today:
Man, Hailey looks just like you. I've never notice really before. She's a georgeous thing. Better keep and eye on her! LOL.
Nice photos-- Hayley looks cute with bangs! (And I hope to someday see her smile again-- maybe when she's 21? But at least she tolerated the photo session.)
The boys looks so much like themselves. Matt aka "Mr Cool," in the shades and Austin, with his somewhat concerned look... Can't wait to see you guys in just a mere 10 days-- sorry the birthday week didn't coincide with the kids spring break, though...
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